
The number of student in ITB's undergraduate program research 15,000 people with 3,500 admission of new students each year ITB a Zero Drop Out program for students who are economically and financially disadvantaged but have greate academic potential to finish their studies.

Hence, through Student Affairs Unit (Direktorat Kemahasiswaa), ITB has sought scholarship provisions to support their tuition fees, especially for those who are economically disadvantaged but can do well academically. The scholarship sources are from ITB, public funds, private donations, and funds local and national government's funds.

Scholarships in ITB are generally divided into need-based financial aid and merit-based scholarship. Followings are our scholarship partners: Ikatan Orang Tua Mahasiswa, ITB, Bidikmisi, Dompet Dhuafa, BCA, Djarum Foundation, PT Sanbe Farma, Bakrie Center Foundation, Indocement, PT. Komatsu Indonesia, etc.

ITB, as one of the public universities in Indonesia, is always flooded with new students every year. These students come from various provinces in Indonesia and with different economic conditions. Realizing this, ITB certainly does not want to limit the learning opportunities of Indonesian students especially because of financial problems. Various scholarship facilities are also provided for students at ITB.

The high cost of education in Indonesia is indeed undeniable. But that does not mean that people with economic difficulties do not have the opportunity to enter the gates of a higher education. This is realized by the Lembaga Kemahasiswaan (LK) ITB. Living cost scholarships, Prepaid Education Implementation Costs (BPPM), and Semester Education Costs (BPPS) are options that can be a solution to the obstacles often encountered by students.

Especially for the new students, the central government through the Directorate of Higher Education (Dikti) provides Bidik Misi Scholarships. Bidik Misi Scholarship is the release of 100% BPPM and BPPS for 8 semesters (4 years on time) for the selected students. ITB always gets a quota increase every year. Starting from 2010 with a quota of 450, then in 2011 with a quota of 700, and in 2012 with a quota of 800.

Bidik Misi Scholarship is integrated with the new student screening test mechanism. In 2012, for SNMPTN participants, the school was in charge of registering students who felt they needed the assistance of this Bidik Misi Scholarship. As for the SBMPTN, the students had to apply for the Bidik Misi Scholarship. This registration mechanism was not through ITB, but directly related to Dikti. There are many other scholarships that students can get according to their needs with various terms and conditions. A lot of information is shared through Directorate of Student affairs of ITB, and students can easily apply themselves in their website. With the large amount of scholarships offered by both the government and ITB, students from all over the archipelago should no longer have to bury their dreams due to any limitations.