Studium Generale 2017: the Importance of Integrity in Procurement System
BANDUNG, – Presenting a speaker from strategic sector of Indonesian Government, ITB with its KU4097 Studium Generale invited the Executive Secretary of the National Public Procurement Agency (LKPP), Dr. Salusra Widya, MA to present a lecture on Wednesday (29/03/17) at Aula Timur ITB.
The public lecture that began at 13.00 and themed “The Role of LKPP in Upholding Integrity in National Public Procurement” was commenced by the moderator, Dewi Larasati, S.T., M.T., Ph.D and continued with a presentation from Salusra. “Procurement is important to be observed and executed by all institutions. It is important because it involves huge amount of funding, about 30% of state budget. Moreover, goods and services, in this context are objects of procurement which are the input of business process,” said Salusra. He added, “With the right input, business process will go smoothly.” Procurement also affects the National economy.
An alumnus of Urban and Regional Planning (PWK) Program of ITB, Salusra talked about the shifting views in LKPP, from consolidation, rationality, system, business strategy, to transparency. He said that confidentiality will hinder activity. Conversely, with transparency, supervision to LKPP could also be conducted by the society. “For LKPP, Supervision by the society is the maximal supervision,” said Salusra.
The end of presentation was a display of the services of LKPP, such as Information System of Procurement General Planning, E-catalog, Vendor Directory, Electronic Procurement Services (LPSE), Business to Government (B2G), Eproc portal. “The government has provided new business through e-catalog. It enlisted various goods along with the specs and prices.” He said. He then invited the students to join in the business.
Reporter: Rahma Rizky Alifia (School of Electrical Engineering and Informatics 2016)
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