I-Home Apps ITB: Architectural Data Digitization for Society

Oleh Adi Permana

Editor Vera Citra Utami

BANDUNG, itb.ac.id–On Friday, June 8, 2021, the School of Architecture, Planning, and Policy Development (SAPPK) of Bandung Institute of Technology (ITB) hosted a webinar titled "Implementation of Digitalization of Data in the Field of Architecture for The Community: I-Home Apps ITB." Assoc. Prof. Mira Kartiwi, M.Si. from IIUM Malaysia, Dr. Techn. M. Zuhri Catur from ITB School of Electrical engineering and Informatics (STEI), and Dr. Allis Nurdini, Founder of I-Home, SAPPK ITB, were among the many speakers invited by SAPPK ITB.

Mira Kartiwi delivered the first presentation, which was titled "Development of Data and Information Technology in the Framework of Community Service and Humanitarian Programs." In general, she stressed the utilization of big data.

According to Mira, big data is more than just talking about how much data can be handled at once. The most essential aspect is the processing and usage of big data, with records of all data visible. This is related to the phenomenon of data refraction. Because incomplete data does not represent the facts as a whole, people will assume it is true.

Mira also stated that big data has been widely used in a variety of areas. Nonetheless, big data implementation continues to face several problems, owing to users' lack of focus on their goals for using big data.

According to Mira, the potential utility of data for human well-being is enormous. Statistics about the number of illnesses, for example, demographic data, and so on. And usage is determined by how humans translate data and then utilize it wisely.

M. Zuhri Catur then followed up with a second lecture titled "Urgency of Digital Application Development in Engineering and Humanity." Catur began its presentation by outlining society 5.0, in which economics and digital-physical integration became the primary crutches.

Furthermore, Catur highlighted digitization, with data processing serving as the primary driving force. "Assume we have a damage prediction system. Input processing is important in transmitting sensory data to remedy a problem or improve system use," he elaborated.

Catur stated that the data has been used in a variety of applications, including sound calculation systems, intelligent building construction, educational assessment systems, and many more.

Allis Nurdini then brought up the subject of the previous conversation, which was titled "I-Home ITB Application and Residential Quality Knowledge Transformation for Community Service." Housing and databases, he claimed, are utilized for residential concerns. SAPPK ITB's I-Home application is a container that brings together suppliers and consumers in a pleasant and integrated housing environment by showing quality data collected in the I-Home application.

Participants were reminded throughout the webinar to stay up to date on technology advances to suit local demands. When intelligent humans process current issues, they can improve society's social and economic well-being.

Reporter: Zahra Annisa Fitri (Regional and City Planning, 2019)
Translator: Naffisa Adyan (Oceanography, 2019)

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