International Seminar of Pharmaceutics

Oleh Krisna Murti

Editor Krisna Murti

Bandung, - After a pre-seminar on the previous day, on Saturday (31/10) International Seminar of Pharmaceutics was opened for two consecutive day at Hotel Grand Aquila, Bandung. Seminar was held at Nusantara Ballroom of the hotel, while scientific poster exhibition was held at Malino Room. About 160 participants joined the seminar that invited speakers from Indonesia, Hongkong, Netherlands, Japan, and German. The speakers invited, i.e. Prof. Saringat Baie, Prof.Dr.Umar A. Jenie, Dr.Yaya Rukayadi, Prof.Dr.Si-Shen Feng, Prof.Dr. Richard K. Haynes, Prof.Dr.Wim Quax, Prof.Dr.Yeyet C. Sumitraputra, Prof.Dr.Oliver Kayser, Prof.Ikuo Saiki,D.Med.Sci, Ir. Ferry Soetikno, M.Sc, MBA, Ms. Sylvia Russwum, Mr. Henry Han, Prof.Dr. Andrew McLachlan, Prof.Dr. Grietje Molema, dan Prof.Dr.Rainer. H Muller. The seminar opened by Dr. Kusmayanto Kadiman, Minister of Research and Development of RI who given also his keynote speech. Seminar continued with presentation from international speakers. After lunch, participants were invited to come to poster exhibition and join parallel session of seminar which divided into four categories, i.e. Pharmaceutical Biotechnology; Phytopharmaceutical Technology and Pharmacology; Pharmaceutical Technology; and, Pharmacokinetics and Biopharmacy. Each parallel session had five speakers. Poster exhibition exhibited scientific research from various universities. They who participated on the exhibition, for example, ITB, Universitas Padjadjaran, Indonesian Institute of Science Serpong, Leiden University, Institut Pertanian Bogor, Universitas Gajah Mada, Universitas Andalas, Universitas Putra Malaysia Serdang, Kyoto University, Osaka City University, Yonsei University, Universitas Airlangga, dan Universitas Indonesia. At the end of seminar, committee gave favorite award to Fransiscus X. Dhias with his poster entitled "Sunscreen Cream Formulation with Chicken Eggshell Powder as Active Agent".

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