MODULTRAX, Research Study by FAD ITB Lecturer was Awarded a G-Mark by The Good Design Award

Oleh Anggun Nindita

Editor Anggun Nindita

BANDUNG, —A lecturer from the Faculty of Art and Design of Institut Teknologi Bandung (FAD ITB), Bismo Jelantik Joyodiharjo, S.Sn., M.Ds., won the G-Mark award in the Good Design Award 2023 international competition.

The Good Design Award events was held on Wednesday, (10/25/2023), at the Grand Hyatt Tokyo (Roppongi Hills), followed by the exhibition from October 25-29, 2023 at Tokyo Midtown (Roppongi), Akasaka 9-7-1, Minadoku, Tokyo, Japan.

Since 1957, the Good Design Award by the Japan Institute of Design Promotion has always been a comprehensive platform for design evaluation and recommendation systems in Japan. From that point, they continue to enhance people's social life through design.

As one of the active lecturers in the ITB Product Design Study Program and part of the West Java Indonesian Industrial Product Designers Alliance (ADPII), Bismo Jelantik now focuses more on the development of several products and research, especially in the field of automotive.

He has produced many innovations, with one being his team research innovation that was managed to be granted an achievement, called MODULTRAX (Modular Utility Transport – Exo Terrain). This research uses the MPS (Mimicry, Process & System) method which was developed in their doctoral study. Through Good Design Indonesia, MODULTRAX became one of the 17 local products that won an award in the prestigious competition.

MPS Method is an alternative method to product development using different approaches: Mimicry (Surface, Behavior, Function), Process (Formative, Subtractive, and Additive) as well as System (Integral, Modular).

MODULTRAX uses natural mimicry in its design but soon adapted to the Industry’s capability (the frame partner since 2021 is PT. Ganding Toolsindo, Bekasi) while also maximizing the efficiency of Geometry, Ergonomics, and Kinematic Suspension for reliable handling in plantation utility/off-road activities. Furthermore, other technical factors (power, range, etc.) can be adjusted according to the needs.

Bismo admitted that being granted this award was beyond his expectations, "To be honest, I was kind of surprised because the main focus of MODULTRAX development lies more on research, product design collaboration with the industry, as well as the growth of the product design field," said Bismo.

MODULTRAX, which started in 2021 with the support of FAD ITB, currently has 2 versions that differ in innovations from the 2023 version by LPIK ITB. On top of that, 1 unit (V2M) will be specifically granted to 3T villages by LPPM ITB and later this year, 2 units (V2G and V2J) will start operating inside the ITB campus.

The development of MODULTRAX towards mass production will still need to go through a long process, so Bismo wishes for support in the development of this upcoming product.

"I would personally like to thank Prof. Yasraf Amir Piliang, Dr. Dwinita Larasati, and Prof. Tati Suryati Syamsudin for developing the MPS method, also to Mr. Wan Fauzi, Mr. Julian Maryono, Ms. Ilma Aulia Zaim, Mr. Reza Zarli, Ms. Nidewi Aruman, Mr. Eljihadi Alfin, and Mr. Farras Taufiqurrazak, also to Ms. Riana and Team from Good Design Indonesia, as well as other parties who have given their support directly or indirectly," he said.

Bismo admitted that he was satisfied with his achievements. Moreover, through a series of processes, designs, efforts, and struggles to provide proud results, he was able to meet his own expectations.

“However, imperfections from those shortcomings can be our awakening to have a mindset that yearns for improvements," added Bismo.

He then gave his advice for the academic community to always appreciate processes like plants that have to be taken care of before becoming fruitful.

"Hopefully, the product design field, particularly in academic collaboration with other industries can provide better results and be implemented in the community," Bismo concluded.

Reporter: Satria Octavianus Nababan (Informatics Engineering, 2021)
Translator: Kezia Hosana
Editor: Firza

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