ITB Graduated 2,219 Graduates at the April 2023 Graduation

Oleh Adi Permana

Editor Vera Citra Utami

BANDUNG, – Institut Teknologi Bandung (ITB) held their Second ITB Graduation Academic Year 2022/2023 Open Session for their Doctoral Program, Master’s Program, Undergraduate Program, and Engineering Professional Program at the ITB Ganesha Cultural Center (Sabuga) on Saturday, 8 April 2023.

A total of 2,219 graduates graduated at the April 2023 Graduation. This number consisted of 74 graduates from the Doctoral Program, 1,219 graduates from the Master’s Programs, 255 graduates from the Engineer Professional Programs, and 671 graduates from the Undergraduate Programs.

The session started with a reading of the ITB Rector’s Decree by the ITB Vice Rector for Academic and Student Affairs Prof. Dr. Ir. Jaka Sembiring, M. Eng.. He announced the names of the successful graduates for this graduation period. There were 117 undergraduate graduates, 345 master graduates, and 23 doctoral graduates who achieved the Cum Laude predicate.

At this graduation, the highest GPA achiever from the undergraduate program was Clareta Milena from the Faculty of Arts and Design Craft Study Program, with a GPA of 3.97. During this graduation period, ITB also graduated the youngest undergraduate study program graduate, Bilal Dwi Anugrah from FMPE who graduated at the age of 20 years and 11 months.

The youngest graduate from the Master’s study program was Estefania Mayor from FAD at the age of 21 years and 10 months. Then from the doctoral program was Putu Veri Swastika from FMNS at the age of 26 years and 4 months and from the engineering professional program was Suwandi Luhur from FMNS who graduated at the age of 24 years and 6 months.

The unique thing about this second graduation was that it coincided with Ramadan for Muslims and the holy Easter period for Christians. The ongoing responsibility for worship did not dampen the graduates’ and relatives’ enthusiasm who attended and carried the graduation procession out smoothly.

Rector Prof. Reini Wirahadikusumah, Ph. D. gave her congratulations to the graduates during her speech. The main point conveyed by her was that getting an academic degree is in line with getting responsibility for exchanging knowledge. This exchange of knowledge in the new phase that graduates will go through will become a key factor, whether it be in creating added value or in problem-solving.

The speech was then followed by congratulatory speeches from 12 Deans of ITB Schools/Faculties in turn. Then, the parting words to close the session was delivered by a representative of the graduates Falih Zuhdi Rizqullah, S.M., a graduate of the Management program, SBM ITB.

The following is complete data for the highest GPA, Cum Laude, and youngest graduates.

Undergraduate Program

Highest GPA Undergraduate Graduate: Clareta Milena (Craft Study Program, FAD, GPA & Grade Point 3.97)
Youngest Graduate: Bilal Dwi Anugrah, FMPE (20 years and 11 months old)

Master’s Program

Highest GPA Master’s Graduates with GPA & Grade Point of 4.00
- Afina Firdaus Syuaib (Pharmacy, SF)
- Fikri Fauzian (Pharmacy, SF)
- Dyah Shinta Dwitya (Sports Science, SF)
- Al-Faisal Firdaus (Aerospace Engineering, FMAE)
- Leonardus Reinaldy Christianto (Teaching of Mathematics, FMNS)
- Arnott Ferels (Architecture, SAPPD)
- Jason Filius Santoso (Ocean Engineering, FCEE)
- Shania Jiehan Geraldine (Design, FAD)
- Restu Utari Dewina (Biology, SITH)
- Haykal Yuqdha (Chemical Engineering, FIT)
- Vaghwa Hasib Nata Praja (Geodesy and Geomatics Engineering, FEST)
- Estefania Mayor (Design, FAD)
- Bunga Djasmin Ramadhanty (Landscape Architecture, SAPPD)
- Darmawan Tri Nugroho (Science Program in Management, SBM)
- Safira Alethia Loebis (Business Administration, SBM)
- Annisaa Dwi Utami (Business Administration, SBM)
- Muhamad Fajrin Rasyid (Business Administration, SBM)
- Rama Alpha Yuri Margareta (Business Administration, SBM)
- Mathew Farrell (Business Administration, SBM)
- Muhammad Sobirin (Business Administration, SBM)
- Ardyan Febrianto (Business Administration, SBM)
- Tomi Sugiarto (Business Administration, SBM)
- Muhammad Nadrul Jamal (Business Administration, SBM)
Youngest Graduate: Estefania Mayor, FAD (21 years and 10 months old)

Doctoral Program

Best Graduate with 3 Q3 Journal Publications and 1 Q1 Journal Publication with h-index Scopus 4: Erna Hikmawati (SEEI) with Promotor Kridanto Surendro.
Youngest Graduate: Putu Veri Swastika, FMNS (26 years and 4 months old)
Youngest Engineering Professional Program Graduate: Suwandi Luhur, FMNS (24 years and 6 months old)

Reporter: Lukman Ali (Mechanical Engineering, 2020)
Translator: Hanna Daniela Ayu (Aerospace Engineering, 2021)

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