ALMI Hosts Second Congress of Young Indonesian Scientists on Climate Crisis and Social Justice
BANDUNG, – The Indonesian Academy of Young Scientists (ALMI) organized the 2nd Congress of Young Indonesian Scientists (KIMI) with the theme "The Future Science, Responsibility, and Globalizing Eco-Social Justice" at the Design Centre, Faculty of Arts and Design, Institut Teknologi Bandung (FAD ITB) on Saturday (9/12/2023). The congress aimed to gather insights for the future direction of ALMI from its participants.
Prof. Dr. Ir. Daniel Murdiyarso, M.S., Chairman of the Indonesian Academy of Sciences (AIPI), delivered the keynote address titled "Climate Crisis: Vulnerability of Food and Health Systems." He emphasized the urgent need for transformative research in response to the climate crisis, particularly in agriculture and energy sectors. Prof. Murdiyarso stressed the importance of science-based policies to achieve zero emissions by 2060, highlighting renewable energy strategies and environmentally friendly technologies.
In the panel session, four speakers addressed various aspects of the climate crisis and social justice. Dr. Lilis Mulyani, Ph.D., and Dr. Anggia Prasetyoputri from BRIN discussed the disproportionate impact of climate change on impoverished communities, emphasizing water scarcity, declining crop yields, and threats to local farmers' livelihoods. Dr. Gunadi, Ph.D., Sp.BA, highlighted the health consequences of climate change, including malnutrition and the spread of diseases like COVID-19.
Dr. Herlambang Perdana Wiratraman, S.H., M.A., Secretary General of ALMI, underscored the intersectionality of climate justice and human rights, citing the case of Effendi Buhing, an indigenous leader defending forest ecosystems in Central Kalimantan. He emphasized the importance of defending academic freedom and scientists' collaboration with other sectors.
The panel concluded with a call for interdisciplinary collaboration, enhanced scientific communication, transformative learning, and the use of popular media to promote climate justice. The speakers emphasized the role of scientists, journalists, artists, and civil society in advocating for social and environmental justice.
Reporter : Anggun Nindita
Translator : Firzana Aisya (Bioengineering, 2021)
Editor : Vera Citra Utami
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