5,669 New ITB Students Participate in 2023 Admission

Oleh Anggun Nindita

Editor Adi Permana

BANDUNG, itb.ac.id - The Institut Teknologi Bandung (ITB) has admitted a total of 5,669 new students for the Academic Year (AY) 2023/2024. The total number consists of 4,651 new undergraduate students, 974 postgraduate students, and 44 students enrolled in the professional program.

The aforementioned information was shared by Prof. Dr. Ir. Jaka Sembiring, M.Eng. as the Vice Rector for Academic and Student Affairs at ITB, during the 2023 Student Convocation (PMB) event that took place at ITB Jatinangor Campus.

As part of the PMB ITB 2023, a series of events were held at two locations. The undergraduate students' event took place at ITB Jatinangor Campus, while the postgraduate students' event was held at ITB Ganesha Campus, specifically in the Sabuga Convention Hall. These events occurred on Monday, 14th of August 2023.

"The sequence of the 2023 New Student Admission began with registration and selection, all for undergraduate, postgraduate, and professional programs. The selection process for PMB spanned from January to July 2023," he explained.
The selection process for undergraduate programs was carried out using four different pathways. The initial selection process was the National Achievement-Based Selection (SNBP), which was subsequently followed by the National Test-Based Selection (SNBT). Both of these selection pathways were conducted on a national scale.

"ITB also admitted students through the Independent Selection (SM) and the International Undergraduate Program. These two selection pathways were organized by ITB after the two national selection pathways were completed," he stated.

Professor Jaka emphasized that maintaining high academic standards is a crucial factor for ITB when admitting new students.

Regarding the overall distribution of new undergraduate students, all 34 provinces throughout Indonesia were represented. However, it is important to note that the distribution is not currently balanced. The majority of students still originate from schools located in DKI Jakarta, West Java, and Banten. The typical age range for undergraduate students is between 16 and 21 years, with an average age of 18 years.

"In the PMB 2023, ITB also admitted 21 students from the 3T regions (Underdeveloped, Frontier, and Remote areas). Six of them were accepted through the 3T support program, which took place nearly simultaneously with ITB's Independent Selection. All 3T students will receive educational scholarships," Prof. Jaka added.

In PMB 2023, there are a total of 974 postgraduate students. Out of these, 868 are enrolled in the Master's program and 106 are pursuing a Doctoral degree. The typical age for students in Master's programs is 25 years and 11 months, ranging from a minimum of 20 years and 6 months to a maximum of 54 years and 9 months.

The average age of students in the Doctoral program is 35 years and 9 months. The youngest student is 22 years and 7 months old, while the oldest student is 59 years and 2 months old.

"As for the overview of the Professional Programs, there are 22 students in the Pharmacist Professional Program and 22 students in the Engineer Professional Program," he added.

He also expressed appreciation to all individuals and groups who supported the organization of PMB 2023, enabling it to be carried out in a secure and efficient manner.

"ITB extends its gratitude to all parties for their support, both directly and indirectly, in the entire process of the 2023 New Student Admission," he continued.

Reporter: Anggun Nindita

Translator: Anggi Nurdiani (Manajemen, 2021)

Editor: Kezia Hosana

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