SoI Asia gelar kuliah Advanced Topics in Marine Sciences

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Mulai tanggal 22 November 2005, ITB sebagai anggota School of Internet (SoI) Asia berpartisipasi memancarkan seri kuliah melalui Internet dengan judul Advanced Topics for Marine Science 2005. Kuliah yang dapat diikuti melalui ini di pancarkan dari Tokyo University of Marine Science and Technology, Faculty of Marine Science. Seri kuliah ini terkait dengan bidang “Food Technology” dan “Marine Bioscience”. Berikut jadwal kuliah menurut waktu Jepang (JST), yang sama dengan waktu Indonesia bagian timur WIT: #1 November 22nd, 2005 (Tue) 15:00-16:30 JST "Distribution channel and market system of fishery products in Japan" Prof. Osamu Baba, Department of Food Science and Technology #2 November 22nd, 2005 (Tue) 16:40-18:10 JST "Foodborne pathogens in fish farming systems" Associate Prof. Bon Kimura, Department of Food Science and Technology #3 November 23rd, 2005 (Wed) 15:00-16:30 JST "Characteristics of soil deposits on the surface of food processing equipment - knowledge for efficient cleaning" Associate Prof. Takaharu Sakiyama, Department of Food Science and Technology #4 November 23rd, 2005 (Wed) 16:30-18:10 JST "Lipid oxidation and quality deterioration of seafood" Associate Prof. Toshiaki Ohshima, Department of Food Science and Technology #5 February 20th, 2006 (Mon) 15:00-16:30 JST "Effects of temperature on fish sex differentiation – implications for seed production and aquaculture" Associate Prof. Carlos Augusto Strussmann, Department of Marine Biosciences #6 February 20th, 2006 (Mon) 16:30-18:10 JST "Marine stock enhancement programs in Japan" Associate Prof. Katsuyuki Hamasaki, Department of Marine Biosciences #7 February 21st, 2006 (Tue) 15:00-16:30 JST "Genetic linkage maps and QTL associated with viral disease resistance in fish" Associate Prof. Takashi Sakamoto, Department of Marine Biosciences #8 February 21st, 2006 (Tue) 16:30-18:10 JST "Biotechnology for prevention of infectious diseases in fish" Associate Prof. Ikuo Hirono, Department of Marine Biosciences. Ruang kelas di ruang multimedia Comlabs ITB.

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