HABITechno 2 International Seminar

HABITechno is a biennial international seminar held since 2013, of which the second event will be held this year. The seminar focuses on technological innovations, and their diffusion and adoption, that can respond to contemporary challenges in the development of public housing in developing countries, ranging from "hard technologies" (e.g. appropriate building technology) to "soft technologies" (e.g. institutional aspects) primarily in relation to achieve sustainable urbanization.

Based on the theme 'Public Housing and Technological Innovations for Sustainable Urbanization', this seminar will have four topics which are divided into a number of sub-topics that can still be developed in line with the context of the innovations presented by each of the participants. The topics are as follows:

1. Institutional innovations for public housing development

2. Innovations for building technology and management of public housing development

3. Innovative public housing design for quality environment

4. Innovations in implementing social and economic approaches to the development of public housing

HABITechno will present several key speakers from government, practitioners, industries, and academic communities from several countries with deep knowledge and experience working in the development of public housing in urban areas. HABITechno also invites academic communities from universities and other research institutions, as well as from various disciplines, to submit papers based on academic research for this seminar in order to share knowledge with others. Since HABITechno Seminar is held regularly, it is hoped that through participation in the seminar, a network between academics, government officials, practitioners, and industries can be developed to share knowledge on the technological innovations in housing and human settlement developments, and to implement their application.

Rabu, 11 November 2015
Aula Timur ITB Directories

Organizer Program Studi Arsitektur, SAPPK ITB
Participant Researchers and educators, Policy Makers and Government, Private Party, Professional organizations, Various NGO organizations, and Graduate student
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November 2015