School of Pharmacy

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General Information and History

Pharmacy higher education program at ITB was established on October 6th, 1947, held by Department of Pharmacy which had been managed under coordination of a faculty named Faculteit voor Wiskunde and Natuurwetenschapen. At that time, this faculty was a part of University of Indonesia. On February 1st, 1949, the name of this faculty was changed to the Faculty of Exacta and Natural Sciences (Fakultas Ilmu Pasti dan Ilmu Alam, FIPIA) and still as a part of the University of Indonesia. The organization structure was very simple, only one person who responsible to manage the department, but since 1959, the organization was expanded and one Secretary of Department was assigned to help the Head of Department. In 1953, Prof. dr. Raden Mohammad Djuhana Wiradikarta, one of academic staff of Pharmacy Department, was the first Indonesian citizen who became Dean of FIPIA, until 1959.

On March 2nd, 1959, Faculty of Engineering and FIPIA started to join and formed a new institution, named Institut Teknologi Bandung (ITB) and the pharmacy education became a part of Department of Chemistry – Biology (Departemen Kimia-Biologi, DKB). After reorganization in 1973, the Department of Pharmacy was then operated as an important part of the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences (Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Penge-tahuan Alam, FMIPA), until 2005. Up to 1987, the Department of Pharmacy organization was supported by scientific divisions, i.e. pharmaceutical chemistry, formulation, pharmaceutical biology and pharmacology. Each division named as section (seksi) was a group of related knowledge, or a group of basic and applied science in pharmacy fields that covered theoretical and practical education, and research activities. Each section consisted of lecturers, under supervision of one senior staff as a head of the Section. He or she was responsible to develop and manage the section in giving lectures, laboratory practices and coordinating some research projects. Each laboratory was managed and supervised by head of the laboratory and every academic staff in the department has their own responsibility in giving lectures, assisting laboratory activities and conducting their research projects. This academic organization was gradually improved and developed and today the School of Pharmacy has five research groups, i.e. Pharmacochemistry, Pharmaceutics, Pharmaceutical Biology, Pharmacology and Clinical Pharmacy, and Sport Science.

In the early 1947 the student accepted in the Department of Pharmacy was higher school graduates who held B certificate, such as HBS, AMS, VHO or High School. The language used in delivering the lecture was Dutch or English. The duration of education was 5.5 years, consisted of 3 years for bachelor and 2.5 years for doctoral levels. The graduates had an opportunity to proceed to postgraduate level if they had passed at least one major subject (hoofdvak) and two minor subjects (bijvak). For example, the major subject was chemistry, and the minor subjects were botany, zoology and physics. The curriculum was not well structured, and there was no limitation in graduation time. Started in 1951, some more subjects were added into the curriculum according to the required education system. Since the need on the availability of pharmacists in society was really desperate, the government through Department of Education of Republic of Indonesia issued the regulation on duration time of pharmacy study in university into 4 years, which was consisted of 1-year preliminary study, 1-year candidates study, and 2 years pharmacy study.

In 1960, the pharmacy education was changed become 6 year study, consisted of 5 year undergraduates study and 1 year professional study. The curriculum was also changed and adjusted to the required educational system. Some new subjects was included in the curriculum such as English, military education, prescription, etc. In 1973, there was a significant improvement in ITB by which all first year students were entered in a common first year level (Tahap Persiapan Bersama, TPB). They could choose into any department only after they passed the first year study. The study was followed by the credit-system. It meant that the student could select the amount of subject’s credits for maximum 24 credits per semester. This system allowed the student to manage their own capability in finishing their study. The curriculum was then revised every 5 years and it was arranged according to the development of science and technology in Indonesia. The current curriculum is the 2008 version.

Besides undergraduate program, School of Pharmacy now offers master and doctoral programs. There were 4 options in master and doctoral program, i.e. pharmacochemistry, pharmaceutics, natural product pharmacy, pharmacology and toxicology. Professional degree in pharmacy is also offered in one year Apothecary Education Program which covers lectures, internship and comprehensive exam. The program is offered to bachelor of pharmacy and the graduate will then be granted as a Registered Pharmacist.

In 1996, the Department of Pharmacy had a chance to get a new beautiful architectured building, named Laboratorium Teknologi (Labtek) VII located at the center of ITB campus, next to Electrical Engineering and FMIPA Building. With area of 6579 m2, Department of Pharmacy ITB tried to optimize the facilities and buildings to serve the students and the stakeholders. Many advanced instruments and facilities had been installed and supported by qualified staffs, all these prepared Department of Pharmacy ITB to become the best of pharmacy higher education in Indonesia.

Since August 29th, 2005, Department of Pharmacy changed its status into School of Pharmacy a level that is equivalent to Faculty. By 2006 undergraduate program at the School of Pharmacy diversify into two study programs, these are Pharmaceutical Science & Technology (Sains & Teknologi Farmasi, STF) and Clinical & Community Pharmacy (Farmasi Klinik & Komunitas, FKK) study programs.