Policy Planning and Development Management Research Group

General Information

Policy Planning and Development Management Research Group was established to accommodate faculty members who are interested in urban and regional development management and policy planning. Set up in 2005, this research group intends to give effective contribution to the enhancement of scientific knowledge and practice of policy planning and development management. The research group continuously strives to develop, manage, and deliver knowledge, skills, and attitudes towards effective policies and plans that are relevant to the latest issues either in local, regional, and national contexts. Supported by highly competent human resources, Policy Planning and Development Management Research Group seeks to provide insights in bringing prosperity, modernity, and sustainability for the people.

Key specialization: metropolitan governance, urban management, urban public finance, development finance, planning evaluation, smart city development, urban governance institution, public-private financing, fiscal impact analysis, local preference analysis, urban politics, policy analysis, disaster mitigation.

Ongoing Research :

  1. Study of infrastructure support to develop tourism shuttle route in Ciayumajakuning, West Java (Alhilal Furqan, 2016)
  2. Actor and institutional network in Papua development: study case of Gerbangmas Hasrat Papua featured program (Suhirman, 2016)
  3. Study of climate change effect in city development (Nurrohman Wijaya, 2016)
Research Group