Knowledge Management as an Effort to Improve the Quality of Smart City

Oleh Adi Permana

Editor -

BANDUNG, - Knowledge Management is one aspect that is useful for improving the quality of smart cities, especially in service to the community. This became the topic raised in the Smart City Webinar Series in Indonesia by the Center for Artificial Intelligence of Institut Teknologi Bandung and Center of Knowledge for Business Competitiveness School of Business and Management ITB, on Thursday (5/14/2020).


One of the speakers in the webinar series was Dedy Sushandoyo, Ph.D. He explained, smart city has various definitions in accordance with the opinions of experts. But in broad outline, smart city is a place that utilizes information and communication technology for the acceleration and effectiveness of services to the community.

He added, there are six indicators in the implementation of smart cities, namely smart economy (level of competition), smart people (social), smart governance (participation in policy matters), smart mobility (transportation and telecommunications), smart environment (natural resources) and smart living (quality of life). "The six aspects are interrelated to create a smart city," said Dedy Sushandoyo.

The application of Knowledge Management in smart cities is useful to increase the value brought by the government in an effort to improve the quality of public services. Increasing the value and quality of public services is obtained by using science as the basis. "For example, the addition of information to educate the public or innovate community service methods by the government," said Dedy.

To get a deeper definition, knowledge can be interpreted as knowledge that is collected from some structured information and fosters human awareness in deciding things (Tjakraatmadja and Lantu, 2006). Referring to this, the purpose of holding Knowledge Management is to instill awareness in the community of the principles held by the government in managing an area. In addition, knowledge is also divided into two types, namely tacit knowledge which is subjective and explicit knowledge that is objective.

"In fact, the comparison of the use of tacit and explicit human knowledge in making decisions is 4:1. That means, the perspective of every human being in responding to a situation will vary," said the ITB School of Business and Management.

Dedy continued, the scope of work used in the application of Knowledge Management consists of three aspects, including humans (related to hard skills and soft skills), technology (infrastructure and information technology utilization), and processes or stages (related to policy and governance). Realization of the process of one of the examples used by the SECI Model that crosses between humans and technology to get the method of its implementation. These methods consist of socialization (from person to person), externalization (from person to technology), combination (transfer between technologies), and internalization (from technology to person). "Today, the development of technology makes the implementation of Knowledge Management to improve the level of smart cities easier because of the ease of access," he concluded.

Reporter: Surya Putra Andrianto (Metallurgical Engineering)
Translator: Salsabila Mayang

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