ITB Healthy: Free Medical Checks for Student

Oleh Bangkit Dana Setiawan

Editor -

BANDUNG, - Ministry of Sports and Health Cabinet SERU KM-ITB that day (20/02/15) held activity 'ITB Healthy' in Ganesha campus. ITB students can attend this event to do some medical checks and blood donation. To carry out these event, Ministry of Sports and Health in collaboration with many parties. For a free medical checks, the committee ITB Healthy cooperated with HMF, Faculty of Medicine Unjani, and Volenteer Doctor. For blood donors, OSKM Medical Team in 2014 helped organize the course of these activities in cooperation with the Indonesian Red Cross.

ITB Healthy started at 09.00 in two different location. In West CC Field established free medical test stand while blood donation was held in the basement of West CC. Many students who lined up to participate in this activity in two places. The committe was targeting 250 students can participate this series of events.

"What are we doing today is in the form of campaign (healthy life style:red), while the KM-ITB Olympic movement was being done now. And we were holding a free health screening blood donors," said Charissa Alifah (Environmental Engineering 2013) as Chairman of ITB Healthy

The committee of ITB Healthy did the campaign about healthy life style and shared free Vitamin C suplements for ITB students. In addition, Ministry of Sports and Health in collaboration with Care Movement Passive Smokers (GP3), initiated by the Ministry of Community Empowerement KM-ITB.

"The goal is to make ITB Students realize about their health. Therefore they are just focus on their study while their diet is mess, it will be affected to their colestrol amount. In order to tackle this issues, we invite them to increase their awareness about health," said Charissa.

ITB Healthy is annual event that is held because of awareness about student's health. Last year, a similar event was held with the same concept, namely the campaign, and organized a Fun Run. Meanwhile this year, according to Charissa, the movement has been held during theperiod of  Olympic KM-ITB. Olympic KM-ITB is an competition of some sports and being conducted once in two yearsas the embodiment of ITB student's interest and talent in the field of sports.

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