ITB Students Secure 1st Place in IBA Asia Pacific Region 2024
BANDUNG, - The AAPG's Imperial Barrel Award Program (IBA) is an annual program organized by the AAPG Foundation for postgraduate geoscience students from universities worldwide. The competition period ran from January to March 2024, culminating in the final presentation stage in the Asia Pacific region.
Institut Teknologi Bandung (ITB) sent a representative team consisting of five students: M. Ryan Sulaiman (Bachelor's in Geological Engineering) as Seismic Interpreter and Prospect Evaluator; Ahmad Kurniawan P. (Master's in Geological Engineering) as Regional Geologist and Basin Modeler; Dicky Kurniawan (Master's in Geophysical Engineering) as Geophysicist and Prospect Hunter; Miranda Adiva (Bachelor's in Geological Engineering) as Petrophysicist, Seal Evaluator, and Pore Pressure Analyst; and Shinta Ayu P. (Master's in Geological Engineering) as Seismic Interpreter, Structural Geologist, and Prospect Evaluator.
ITB's Representative Team for the AAPG’s Imperial Barrel Award Program. (Doc. AAPG SC ITB)
The competition began early in the year, requiring them to analyze a basin with salt dome tectonics, from initial exploration with limited data to well drilling prospects. In this context, both undergraduate and graduate-level skills were essential to achieve optimal results. The competition could not be completed in just 1-2 weeks but required several months of integrated analysis between Geology and Geophysics.
They faced several challenges, including limited datasets, yet were expected to deliver results appealing to investors. This demanded high creativity to produce something unique. Guidance from their Faculty Advisor, Prof. Ir. Benyamin Sapiie, Ph.D., was invaluable, especially when they started to deviate from their actual goals.
Moments of Togetherness of the ITB Team Outside of Competition Preparation. (Doc. ITB Team)
"It feels very proud to bring the good name of the Bandung Institute of Technology to the international stage. We have learned a lot throughout this process, both technically and managerially, which will undoubtedly be valuable for our future careers," said Ryan.
This achievement reflects the team's dedication and hard work in facing the highly competitive challenges of the competition. It required thorough preparation, including planning discussions, presentation scheduling, seeking guidance from mentors, and other preparations to achieve success. It is hoped that after winning first place in the Asia Pacific region, their struggle and success can serve as a reference for other students to remain enthusiastic about achieving excellence.
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