Center of Excellence on Defence and Security Technology

One of the originators of the formation of the Center for Defense and Security Technology (Pustekhan) is through the Higher Education Science and Technology Center (PUI-PT) program from the Ministry of Higher Education Research and Technology (Ristekdikti) in 2016 which assesses ITB as a major technical tertiary institution in Indonesia where So far, there have been quite a lot of research activities whose benefits for the application of technology in the field of defense and security are considered to be ready to manage Pustekhan. With the existence of Pustekhan as a national center, it is expected that research and development (R&D) activities which tend to be partial can be more coordinated so as to produce stronger and effective impacts in meeting the needs to achieve technological and industrial independence in the Defense and Security (Defense and Security) sector. The focus of the research carried out at Pustekhan covers the fields of Aeronautics, Mechanics, Electronics, Telecommunications, Control Systems, and Materials which are the main key areas for the development of defense technology. The application of research results is implemented to fulfill the demand for national defense and security needs by maximizing the use of domestic resources and technology where the quality is not inferior to products from abroad.
