Biological Resources Management Research Group

General Information

Led by Dr. Wawan Gunawan, Biological Resources Management Research Group is supported by 15 professors from various disciplines, including ecology, entomology, social, geography, economics, agribusiness and forestry. The main research focus of this group is to develop integrated and sustainable biological researches.

The research and development of Biological Resources Management Research Group is directed to the application of biology principal and their integration with other scientific fields (conservation, economics, management, business, sociology, and anthropology) for the management of biological resources, especially in West Java and generally in Indonesia. Research in Biological Resources Management Research Group is oriented towards problem solving related to usage sustainability, development of added value, and the preservation of tropical biological resources based on biological knowledge. In addition, we also develop best practice in managing tropical biological resources. Meanwhile, the object of study include utilizing biodiversity management at genetic, species, and ecosystem levels.

There are three sub-division of this research group based on its orientation and object of study: 1) Integrated Resources Exploitation (Conservation) in the context of sustainable stock management; 2) Integrated Farming Management in the context of sustainable product; and 3) Integrated market management in the context of sustainable markets. The three divisions are established in order to achieve self-reliance, resilience, and human welfare which is then translated into technical measures, in accordance with the competence of the research group’s members.

Top researches:

  1. Determining Criteria for Excellent Biological Resources in West Java
  2. Determining Biological Resources Tariff Model as a Service Compensation of Forest Ecosystem
  3. Downstream of food chain value for cacao and coffee commodity (a collaboration research between School of Life Sciences and University of Sydney Australia)
Research Group